
I had a question about a software,

It apparently malfunctioned.

The beeps and clicks didn’t fire.

The hardware was all haywire.

Banging hard at the keys,

Didn’t help the screen get bright.

Things ejected and whirred,

The camera I didn’t know, 

Flashed brilliant and blurred.

Over thirty-six buttons,

And none of them said “Fix”.

Blue flashes and red lights,

Blinked and turned green;

Methinks aliens had landed on screen.

Unwired and unplugged,

I let the machine drain.

Juiced it up again,

Only to see a broken dud.

What was this contraption?

What was this trepidation?

I read Samuel Johnson,

He knew nothing of this brazen oxen.

If only software and hardware,

Can be as simple as Tupperware.

With an airtight press and click,

It preserves a severed head like a brick!